Tokyo Girls Collection
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The Tokyo Girls Collection (東京ガールズコレクション, Tokyo Girls Collection?), sometimes abbreviated as TGC, is a semiannual fashion festival launched in 2005. The fashion event showcases the seasons fashionable streetwear by domestic brands, and are modeled by popular models from various Japanese fashion magazines. The event is open not only to buyers and journalists, but also to the general public.[1] and incorporates live concerts by well-known artists, as well as charity auctions.[2] The event, held by, a popular mobile web portal, is also broadcasted live on cell phones and the internet, and the products donned by the models are made available for purchase on the spot.[3]
Past venues
-1st Tokyo Girls Collection: 2005 Autumn/Winter August 7, 2005; at Yoyogi National Gymnasium, Tokyo, Japan 30 models, 25 featured brands, guest performers: m-flo (and Akiko Wada)
-2nd Tokyo Girls Collection: 2006 Spring/Summer March 11, 2006; at Yoyogi National Gymnasium, Tokyo, Japan
45 models, 23 featured brands, guest performers: Yuna Ito, AI, Rihanna, DefTech
-3rd Tokyo Girls Collection: 2006 Autumn/Winter September 3, 2006; at Yoyogi National Gymnasium, Tokyo, Japan
54 models, 24 featured brands, guest performers: Ayaka, Sowelu, BoA
-4th Tokyo Girls Collection: 2007 Spring/Summer March 3, 2007; at Yokohama Arena, Yokohama, Japan
72 models, 24 featured brands, guest performers: Tamia, DJ Ozma, Minmi, Shonan no Kaze
-5th Tokyo Girls Collection: 2007 Autumn/Winter September 2, 2007; at Saitama Super Arena, Saitama, Japan
61 models, 21 featured brands, guest performers: Leah Dizon, TVXQ, DJ Ozma, Go Hiromi
-6th Tokyo Girls Collection: 2008 Spring/Summer March 15, 2008; at Yoyogi National Gymnasium, Tokyo, Japan
60 models, 20 featured brands, guest performers: Chemistry, FUNKY MONKEY BABYS
-7th Tokyo Girls Collection: 2008 Autumn/Winter September 6, 2008; at Yoyogi National Gymnasium, Tokyo, Japan
70 models, 21 featured brands, guest performers: PUFFY, Kimaguren
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Japanese beauty girl
Aki Hoshino, jockey boyfriend announce wedding
The entry also detailed other aspects of the couple’s relationship, explaining that they met through a work acquaintance of Hoshino’s and have been dating seriously for about two and a half years.
“Even though Aki is busy with work, she supports me in what I do. She’s very important to me,” Miura wrote. He assured fans he will continue to race, and also pledged to care for Hoshino as best he could.
Japan Today
Meet the 'dirty girls' of Ayaman Japan
Ayaman Japan doesn’t belong to any talent agency. Rather, they are an amateur group that performs through connection with members. They don’t get paid.
Ayaman Japan started to become famous after appearing on the TV variety program “Tonneruzu no minasan no okage deshita” in 2010. They became famous with their first song “Poipoipoipopoipoipopii” (don’t ask us to translate the title).
After their first hit song, Ayaman Japan collaborated with the comedian Tanoshingo to release a new song “Dodosuko-poipoi” on June 15. Ayaman Japan also collaborated with comedian Shingo Fujimori from “Oriental Radio” to release a new song “Natsu age motion” on Aug 10.
Even though they are pretty, the girls tell dirty jokes and behave in a manner that Japanese women generally don’t do in public. Some people think they are fun, while others get offended by their actions.
Japan Today
Yuko Ogura's wedding ceremony to be held Oct 10 in Hawaii
According to an acquaintance, Ogura and her fiance—hair stylist and make-up artist Isao Kikuchi, 40—will register their marriage prior to the press conference. The wedding ceremony will be held in Oahu, with only family and close friends invited.
Japan Today